2D to 3D CAD Conversion Service

We can import existing 2D CAD Data directly into 3D CAD Software, if profiles are available we can implement into Solidworks and piece together your product part by part.

If you have an existing library of 2D CAD Data we can convert all parts updating your drawings into 3D Format.

Things we may need to know prior to starting your project are:

  1. Do you currently have any 3D CAD Software? (so we can convert into the software you use)
  2. How many Parts / Assemblies do you require converting to 3D?
  3. Once the 2D Parts / Assemblies have been converted, what services do you require e.g. Technical Drawing, Rendered Images, 3D Printing or 3D Videos?

Click for FAQ link 2D to 3D CAD Conversion Service