This depends on the complexity of the product, to save cost sometimes measuring items with a vernier is cheaper than 3D Scanning, we may advise this on occasion
Once we have a 3D CAD Model created, Rendered Images, 3D Animation, Manufacturing Drawings and Design Amendments can be done for example.
We can provide the 3D CAD Model, along with Rendered Images, we can also assist with Photoshop if required, subject to content and data provided.
Yes, this can be arranged, Reverse Engineered, then returned to yourselves.
Usually we would allocate this to our 3D CAD rate per hour (or fixed price), ultimately it’s priced on how much time is needed.
If geometry exists that we can copy, such as teeth on a cog (but a number of the teeth are damaged) we can fix and calculate the remaining geometry in 3D CAD.
From past experience I would expect approximately 1-2 weeks on small to medium projects and longer on larger projects.
Yes we can plan a schedule to assist to ensure active parts have minimum downtime.
Yes once initially we have captured the Design itself we can discuss any necessary amendments to assist
Depending on the complexity and subject of the part we assign the most experienced designer available
The above FAQ are for this link CAD Drawings from Existing Parts