What is Solidworks Simulation?

Solidworks Simulation is an extremely advanced analytical tool that is used by designers, engineers and analysts alike.

It includes:

– Structural Simulation

– Computational Fluid Dynamics

– Electromagnetics Simulation

– Plastics Injection Moulding Simulation

Structural Simulation

The Structural Simulation section can be used to find and analyse structural capabilities and weak points within a design using Finite Element Analysis (FEA). This information can then be used to make necessary improvements on the initial design.

Further to this, Solidworks provides cloud-enabled capabilities powered by Abaqus.


Computational Fluid Dynamics

Fluid Dynamics allows for the user to perform fluid flow and heat transfer simulations. This means that aspects such as a products aerodynamics can be analysed without the need for a wind tunnel for example. This massively reduces the cost for these types of tests and allows for quick and easy changes to the design should the analysis show it’s required.


Electromagnetics Simulation

This area of simulation can help minimise the electromagnetic compatibility risks and the level of exposure the electromagnetic fields have on the human body in order to ensure that the device passes the required legal certification tests.

It also helps to reduce the time-to-market through the optimisation of antennas, microwave components and mechanical devices.

Plus, it uses the most powerful methods such as the unique finite integration technique (FIT), the classical finite element method (FEM) and the transmission line matrix method (TLM), even for hybrid simulations.


Plastics Injection Moulding Simulation

Plastics Injection Moulding Simulations can virtually assess the manufacturability and quality of injection moulded part designs and tooling. This means that it can predict and avoid manufacturing defects which help save costly reworks, decrease time-to-market and improve the overall part quality.


If you think your project could benefit from Solidworks Simulation analysis then do not hesitate to get in touch with us below for a free quote.