Cover in absence of Designers

At Imagine Draughting Services it’s common for a key Designer to be away part way through a project for many reasons.

We commonly allocate a team of Designers either in pairs or more, to ensure if there is an absence our Engineers are already briefed and comfortable continuing progress on their own. Communication directly with customer is done via our Slack system with a dedicated channel for each client.
Should you have a project or ongoing design that requires support then feel free to get in touch at  or by phone at 01253 543259

FEA Simulation Service

Imagine Draughting Services offer FEA Simulation service to provide support on Stress Analysis, testing prior to production and manufacture.
This has brought interesting results in some cases simulation testing failing depending on the safety factor and load applied, providing important information to our clients. Should you have a project that requires FEA Simulation then feel free to get in touch today at or by phone on 01253 543259.

Partnering with local colleges

We are now working with local higher education to develop and train students within Solidworks, providing example projects and real world scenarios to prepare future engineers for work.
This is an interesting approach providing experience and troubleshooting that will help students approach and solve projects.
Being a balance of on-site and remote Imagine Draughting Services Ltd are able to provide Designers to provide this service depending on your requirements.

Partnering with Surpro Products Ltd

Imagine Draughting Services Ltd are partnering with Surpro Products Ltd to provide drawing support and marketing content.
We have worked supporting Surpro on various projects over the years and now continue to collaborate on numerous products for clients within the Roof Safety Industry. New content and website will be launched shortly to showcase the products available to purchase.

Payment Terms

At Imagine Draughting Services Ltd we offer a number of different quotation options. Usually clients prefer a fixed quotation for a said project which we include a breakdown of services provided. Should a project be ongoing we can also offer an hourly rate service, where work is done upfront with a timesheet submitted each week.
For long term customers we offer a retainer service which can include a number of days work provided in return for a discounted rate. If you have a new project and would like us to support feel free to get in touch today on  or visit our website at

ladder pro 2d drawings of surpro ltd

Release of DWG files

ladder pro 2d drawings of surpro ltd

Upon a project being completed at Imagine Draughting Services Ltd, we are able to talk clients through final files being handed over, usually done on Microsoft Teams or Zoom.
With standard file formats of drawings usually being in PDF, we are also able to release the native CAD files such as Solidworks parts and assemblies. The ability to convert Solidworks drawings to DWG format is also possible upon request.
If you are interested in a project being progressed feel free to get in touch today on  or call directly on 01253 543259.

Longevity of Designers

At Imagine Draughting Services Ltd we are close to trading for 10 years, during that time we have worked with some exceptionally talented designers. Over the duration of our company life some of those designers from the beginning are still part of the team today, working on bespoke projects for our clients. Without the individual talent of these designers our service would not be the same. If you are interested in working with us at Imagine Draughting Services Ltd feel free to review the vacancy board on our website today.

On Site Training for Designers

When working with customers and companies long term our Designers come familiar with their products.
We have found that consistently improving training of product knowledge helps our Designers provide a better service, this is usually done on site with our clients. If you are looking to outsource design support on a consistent basis, feel free to get in touch by email on  or by phone on 01253 543259.

Sheet Metal Flat Patterns

When a project is close to completion depending on the material used we may be asked to output flat patterns for manufacture.
Generally for sheet metal parts this is the case which can include holes, cut-outs, fillets, tabs and company logo’s. The geometry used can depend on the machine producing the parts such as CNC or Laser, both having their individual benefits.
Should you have a project that requires Sheet Metal Flat Patterns feel free to get in touch today by email on  or by phone on 01253 543259.

2D Concepts into 3D Models

Surpro Project_001

On some projects ideas and concepts are initially drawn in 2D CAD for discussion purposes or to see if a concept works. This can be a useful strategy on and not too time consuming while getting useful results on a project. Upon approval of a 2D Concept such as a floor plan, this can be converted into 3D for more useful visual such as Rendered Images.
For customers or people involved in a project who do not use CAD on a daily basis, this can make a design easier to visualize and have valuable input. Should you have a new project to progress feel free to get in touch today by email on  or by phone on 01253 543259.